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Najlepszy Program Lojalnościowy

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Low Roll: What is a Low Roll in Teamfight Tactics?

A low roll in TFT refers to a situation where a player encounters bad luck, leading to a disadvantageous position. This misfortune can manifest through poor champion choices, suboptimal items, or unfavorable augments, making it challenging to build a strong team composition or secure victories.

How Does Low Rolling Happen?


Low rolling with champions means struggling to find the desired units to complete or upgrade your composition. For example, if you’re aiming for a three-star Yasuo but barely see him in your shop, you’re experiencing a low roll. This forces you to play with a weaker board, often leading to losing streaks and lower health.


Receiving non-ideal items or components can also be a form of low rolling. If you continually get item components that don’t synergize well with your team, you’ll struggle to optimize your carries. For instance, if you need offensive items for your main damage dealer but only get defensive components, it significantly weakens your strategy.


Augments[1] provide critical bonuses, and low rolling with them means getting options that don’t align with your team composition. If you’re running an Assassin comp but receive augments that benefit tanks or mages, your team’s effectiveness diminishes, putting you at a disadvantage.

Why is Low Rolling Challenging?

Early Game Disadvantage

Low rolling puts you at a significant early game disadvantage. Without strong champions or items, you’re likely to lose rounds, leading to a loss of health and gold. This can create a negative snowball[2] effect, making it harder to recover as the game progresses.

Limited Flexibility and Win Probability

Low rolling limits your flexibility to pivot strategies effectively. You may be forced into suboptimal compositions or rely on weaker units. This reduces your chances of securing a top-four finish and increases the likelihood of an early exit from the game.

How to Mitigate Low Rolling?

In summary, low rolling in TFT involves experiencing bad luck that places you at a disadvantage. While it can be challenging, adaptability, smart economy management, and strategic positioning can help mitigate the effects of a low roll and improve your chances of success.


  1. [1] "Augments". Retrieved June 22, 2024
  2. [2] "Snowball". Retrieved June 22, 2024


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