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Najlepszy Program Lojalnościowy

Usprawniony trójstopniowy program lojalnościowy, w którym każdy członek korzysta z takich samych nagród wysokiej jakości, a korzyści rosną na każdym poziomie.
Prosty, ale skuteczny, ten program wyróżnia się jako najlepsza oferta dla usług boostingu Eloking, zapewniając maksymalną wartość i satysfakcję dla wszystkich naszych użytkowników.
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Skrzynka z łupami Darmowe codzienne obracanie skrzynki z nagrodami, które są liderem na rynku
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Turboboost: What is Turboboost?

Turboboost ( is an online gaming-related boosting service provider that provides ELO boosting services for games like League of Legends and Valorant. According to the official website, Turboboost has been around since 2020, which means it has had more than enough time to garner a sizeable user base.

As it is with so many lesser-known boosting platforms, Turboboost has seen its fair share of controversies. However, boosting isn’t the only thing this website does as it also has another platform; namely Turbosmurfs. Interestingly, Turboboost doesn’t have its own Trustpilot and instead is paired up with its brother platform Turbosmurfs, which sells smurf accounts for the same games Turboboost supports.

Founding History

Turboboost was initially founded in 2020, which means it has been around four years since its inception at the time of writing. According to the website’s Trustpilot [1], the website is located in Sweden, although it’s unknown who the platform’s owner or founder is.

The website initially began as a platform that strictly sold League of Legends accounts and was called Turbosmurfs. However, it then expanded to different games, and eventually, a sub-website was created called Turboboost.

Offered Services

Since Turbosmurf is technically a different platform, we won’t go through the services that website offers and instead will focus on Turboboost only.

Turboboost’s website calls itself one of the best rated League of Legends boosting service providers, which should give an idea of how popular the rest of the games are on the platform. Although Turboboost provides boosting services for League of Legends, Valorant, LoL Arena, and Teamfight Tactics, only the League of Legends services are relatively popular. 

There are a couple of different types of boosting services customers can opt for. These include regular rank boosting, win boosting, and even champion mastery. Additionally, if the customer wants, they can have the booster play with a specific champion or go for only a specific role.

Turboboost also offers coaching services. Through this, customers can have the boosters act as coaches to teach them certain things. The things players can learn include how to play certain champions, roles, or strategies that might be popular in the meta.

Service Controversies

When it comes to controversies, any controversy either Turboboost or Turbosmurf falls in reflects on both platforms, which is why we’ll treat them as one entity for this section as well as the user review section.

Many players claim that the accounts the platform sells are not hand-leveled. This hasn’t come up in only one review, as multiple former customers apparently had issues with this and had the accounts they purchased banned.

Another trend of negative reviews is that the Turboboost staff engages in several type of offensive profanities. These things include homophobia, antisemitism, and racism. Apparently, not only does the staff allow these things to be said in the Discord server, but some of the members also engage in these profanities.

User Reviews

When it comes to Trustpilot, the website has a total rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars. Additionally, a little under 800 individual reviewers have left reviews for the website.

0% of the reviews are perfect 5-star reviews and they typically talk about how the customers had a very good experience with the website or customer support. Most of the reviews are about Turbosmurf and that platform’s services even though Turbosmurf and Turboboost share a Trustpilot page. This gives the impression that the account selling services are significantly more popular when compared to the account selling ones.

6% of the total Turboboost reviews are negative 1-star ones. The 1-star reviews typically cover poor customer service or talk about how customers found the accounts they bought banned even though the website says the accounts it sells only have a 1% chance of getting banned.


  1. [1] "Turboboost Trustpilot". https. Retrieved April 24, 2024

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Teraz, gdy nauczyłeś się czegoś nowego - pora zacząć grać i stać się lepszym. Możemy Ci pomóc! Kup ELO Boost i zacznij grać na rankingu, na który zasługujesz!

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