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Najlepszy Program Lojalnościowy

Usprawniony trójstopniowy program lojalnościowy, w którym każdy członek korzysta z takich samych nagród wysokiej jakości, a korzyści rosną na każdym poziomie.
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FOV: What is FOV or Field of View?

FOV is an abbreviation that stands for field of view or field of vision. Field of view is essentially how much a player’s camera captures, and it depends on multiple factors, like how wide it is. Often, FOVs are measured in angles, where a higher angle means a higher FOV.

Besides just the angle, FOV is determined by multiple other factors. Some of these factors include how high the camera is, how far behind it is, and even the peripherals! Those who have displays with a square aspect ratio will find that their FOV is lesser, at least horizontally. On the other hand, those with ultrawide monitors or a multi-monitor setup will be able to see a lot more in the game.

What’s the best FOV setting in Rocket League?

Since FOVs impact how much a player can see in the field, it’s a good idea to make sure that it’s set in a way that can give enough information without being overbearing. The FOV setting that most pro players in Rocket League use is around 110.

Besides just the FOV gauge, other settings can assist in looking at the pitch properly. Settings such as distance, height, and angle make a huge difference, so having them at the perfect values is essential if a player wants to go pro. Most professional Rocket League players set their distance from 260-280, height from 90-110, and the angle around -4.

Remember, what works for others may not work for you, so always try to play around and adjust it to whatever makes you feel most comfortable.

Co jest następne?

Teraz, gdy nauczyłeś się czegoś nowego - pora zacząć grać i stać się lepszym. Możemy Ci pomóc! Kup ELO Boost i zacznij grać na rankingu, na który zasługujesz!

Alternatywnie, możesz Dołączyć do naszego serwera Discord i uczestniczyć w różnych rozdaniach!

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